AdrianM, 24 Aug 2023And what's the range when you drive 180km/h? I drive my car regularly on an Autobahn with... moreCharging between 10-15% and 80% takes 20 minutes.
If you have superchargers each 200km, there s no issue.
time wise, probably you will lose 30-40min against an ICE on an 8h drive.
AdrianM, 24 Aug 2023And what's the range when you drive 180km/h? I drive my car regularly on an Autobahn with... moreCharging between 10-15% and 80% takes 20 minutes.
If you have superchargers each 200km, there s no issue.
time wise, probably you will lose 30-40min against an ICE on an 8h drive.
Ivo, 22 Aug 2023What a hater. You saw a Tesla from a picture/video and now you think you know everything even ... moreFrom the specs: no regen when pedal braking
Ivo rhymes with bimbo. It is you who hates the facts from the Mod 3 spec sheet.
And what's the range when you drive 180km/h? I drive my car regularly on an Autobahn with speed around 200km/h and sometimes I have to drive 800km.
If this cars consumption would be linear then at 180km/h you could only drive 242,6km. At 200km/h the range will be 218km. After that you have to charge. How long? 30 minutes? 1 hour? Maybe even longer.
Current electric cars are good when driven in a city but on a long route they are a joke.
Mikee, 19 Aug 2023Skipped over the photo close ups of the coffee cup bin and other bins. The outside is so borin... moreWhat a hater. You saw a Tesla from a picture/video and now you think you know everything even spreading lies about the regen. Don't you have better things to do?
Skipped over the photo close ups of the coffee cup bin and other bins. The outside is so boring Tezla should get the Pillsbury Dough Boy as the car's mascot. When I look inside I feel I am back at the office and don't even want to try out the screen. I hear that Mod 3 and Mod Y do not recharge while breaking and then the moving energy goes out as heat and brake pad dust. Finally, the author of the review should get some kind of a prize for writing about every curve on the body from at least three angles.
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