Ariel, the British automaker known for its minimalist, high-performance vehicles, unveiled the E-Nomad Concept, an electric off-roader that defies expectations. This groundbreaking concept, set to hit production in 2026, promises a thrilling blend of agility and exhilarating electric power.
Tipping the scales at a mere 1,975 lb, the E-Nomad is a true featherweight in the world of electric cars. The minimalist design and innovative use of natural fiber bio-composite bodywork contribute to its impressive lightness, promising exceptional agility and off-road prowess. The natural fiber bio-composite bodywork not only reduces weight but also boasts a 73% reduction in CO2 emissions compared to traditional carbon fiber.
Equipped with a 41kWh, 450-volt battery pack, the E-Nomad offers a range of 150 miles, making it suitable for both off-road adventures and everyday commutes. You can juice it up from 20% to 80% in just 25 minutes, ensuring minimal downtime. With a rear-mounted electric motor pushing out 281 horsepower and 361 lb-ft of torque, this off-roader sprints from 0 to 60 mph in 3.4 seconds.
While the E-Nomad is currently a concept, Ariel has made it clear that this is more than just a design exercise. It previews a production model slated for 2026, showcasing Ariel's vision for the future of electric off-roaders. While the final price is yet to be confirmed, Ariel estimates the E-Nomad will cost around $102,900.
The Ariel E-Nomad Concept is a bold statement from Ariel, proving that electric cars can be just as thrilling and capable as their gasoline-powered counterparts, if not more so.
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