The Base price we show is the lowest price at which you can purchase a specific model, in its lowest available trim level, depending on market. This usually does not include taxes, subsidies, offers, and delivery costs.
The price in US Dollars reflects the situation for the US market, the price in British Pounds reflects the situation for the UK market, while the price in Euro should be taken even more as a mere guideline, since there can be (and usually are) pricing differences between various Eurozone countries.
AC charging | Acceleration | Airbags
Base price | Battery capacity | Battery tech | BEV | Body type
Car Life Cycle | Center display | Connectivity | Consumption | Crash tests
Data disclaimer | DC charging | Dimensions | Drag coefficient | Driver's display | Driving aids
Head-up display | Heat pump | HEV
Parking aids | PHEV | Platform | Powertrain
Range | Recuperation | Roof
Seats | Self driving | Suspension
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